Christ the King, My King.

While nations battle for supremacy, and the people of these nations, who try to go it without God, disenchanted with God , drinking the kool-aide of relativism , waging war upon Christ as an enemy,  who kills our fun and frolic, and holding that there is No Truth – No absolutes,yet the Truth remains, Jesus is King of All Nations, may his reign be recognized throughout the earth.

Christ the King, My King.

"Kings have gone out of style. Mostly we use the term king for a man who excels at something, for example, King James (LaBron) is a great basketball player and a prom king is the most popular boy in high school. Scroll back a few centuries and kings were powerful rulers of countries who made laws, commanded armies, and levied taxes. The feast of Christ the King, which closes out the liturgical year, was established in 1925. It celebrates that Jesus is King of heaven and earth.

Jesus was crucified on the charges that he claimed to be King of the Jews. In reality, because Jesus is God, he not only is King of the Jews but king of the whole universe. When Pilate asked Jesus if he were king, he didn’t deny it. At the end of the world, Christ will come in glory and his kingdom will be fully established. The Book of Revelations offers a figurative image of him. He is called Faithful and True and rides a white horse. On his robe and thigh is the name “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

Christ is an unusual king. Soldiers die for their king, but Jesus gave his life for his people. Kings live in luxury, but when Jesus walked the earth, he opted to be a poor, itinerant preacher. Kings lord it over their people, but Jesus served others and taught his followers to humbly do so too. Kings wear crowns, but Jesus had only a crown of thorns as a torture device. Kings have queens at their side, and while Jesus has no female divine partner, his mother Mary is granted the title Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Like other kings, though, Jesus expects loyalty. Members of his kingdom abide by his law of love. They work to spread his kingdom by attracting others to him. By our baptism we share in the kingly, priestly, and prophetic roles of Christ. That means we are royalty too.

via Catholic Faith Corner


Christ, our Savior and our King, renew in me allegiance to Your Kingship.

I pray for the grace to place You above the powers of this world in all things.
I pray for the grace to obey You before any civic authority.
I pray for the grace to fervently bring about Your Kingdom in my family and community.
I pray that You will reign in my mind.
I pray that You will reign in my heart.
I pray that You will reign in my will.
I pray that You will reign in my body.
I pray that You will reign throughout the world.
I pray that You will reign in every area of my life.

O Prince of Peace, may Your reign be complete in my life and in the life of the world. Christ, my King, please answer these petitions if they be in accordance with Your Holy Will…

[Mention your intentions here]

As I reflect on Your second, glorious coming and the judgement of all mankind, I beg You to show me mercy and give me the grace to become a great saint. I pray that not only will I spend eternity with You but that You may use me – a sinner – to bring others into Your Kingdom for Your glory.

Christ the King, Your Kingdom come!


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